Wrapping a gift beautifully is sometimes not that easy – wrapping bulky gifts in particular can be quite tricky! Today we’ll show you very simple instructions for a simple gift box that is great for beautiful little things, such as bracelets or accessories. Besides, we also have 5 variants for DIY packaging for bulky gifts with video instructions for you!
Wrapping bulky gifts – instructions for a simple gift box and 5 simple ways to wrap bulky gifts
For our gift box we used black cardboard and decorated it with gold details. You really don’t need much material for this.
Advertising note: The material list contains partner links/affiliate links. The gloss marker is a PR copy, but this article is not sponsored.
Material – this is what you need – simple gift box for bulky gifts
Also tools
- A plate
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Optional Falzbein
Here’s how to do it – fold a gift box for bulky gifts
Tip: You can also watch the entire instructions in video format as an Idea Pin on Pinterest and save them! You can also find the instructions for gift wrapping with insert pockets with a herringbone pattern in the background as a video on Pinterest: Herringbone folding instructions.
Step 1 Prepare and label circles
Draw two circles on the cardboard using a cake plate. Then label them with the golden pen and write lightly over the edge.
Step 2 Cut out circles and mark them.
Then cut out both circles. Mark the center of the circle on the back and draw a line through it so that the circle is divided into two halves. Then draw another line through the center at right angles to the first line. Your circle is now divided into four equal pieces of cake.
Step 3 Draw fold lines
Now push the plate from the outside onto the back of the circle – so that it lies exactly on a “piece of cake” between the two lines. Use a bone folder or another sharp object (e.g. scissors) to trace the contour of the plate. Repeat this step on all four cake pieces on both circles.
Step 4 Assemble the gift box
In the next step you can carefully fold in the folded lines. This will give you two halves of the box that you can put together. Put your gift inside and seal the box with tape or hot glue. Make sure that the side parts of the lid are on the outside.
Already finished! We continue with our 5 packaging alternatives.
5 packaging ideas for bulky gifts to make yourself
Here are five more packaging ideas for bulky gifts for you – we’ll show you other boxes that you can easily make from construction paper or cardboard, as well as alternatives made from wrapping paper or fabric. You can make the gift bags and gift bags in particular in any size – so they are also great for larger, unwieldy gifts.
By the way, I never pack huge gifts (such as televisions or garden chairs, etc.)! I would simply hide these under a blanket and decorate them with a bow or alternatively paint the packaging or stick it with stars. A nice alternative is to beautifully wrap a clue that leads to the gift.
Wrapping bulky gifts Extra tip 1 – Star box folding instructions
It takes a little patience when folding, but the result is worth it. Here you will find the detailed instructions for our star box. We also have video instructions here. I think the star box is wonderful for giving away jewelry.
Wrapping bulky gifts Extra tip 2 – fold gift bags
The folded gift bags are a real classic. Since the first article was so well received, we recorded another video and wrote detailed instructions. Almost anything fits into the gift bags because you can adjust the size as you wish. You can also use newspaper or packaging paper for this. In the article we have lots of tips for you, such as how to reinforce the base for heavier gifts, different decoration options, etc.
Packing bulky gifts Extra tip 3 – Square box
You can easily fold the square box yourself from any type of paper – we’ve even used cork paper for this! The nice thing is that it is reusable and can also be used to store the gift. You can find the article here: Folding instructions for a square box. Here you can find the video folding instructions.
Wrapping bulky gifts Extra Tip 4 – Triangular box folding instructions
This simple triangular box is suitable for small gifts. The best way to make these is from sturdy cardboard.
Wrapping bulky gifts Extra tip 5 – sew gift bags
And finally a classic: very simple gift bags made of textile! These can also be reused every year. We simply printed names on the gift ribbons (using this device), so everyone can immediately recognize the right gift!
These were our packaging ideas for bulky gifts – hopefully there was something suitable for you too!
Have fun giving away,
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Source: kreativfieber.de